Thursday, March 11, 2010

16 years ago today...

I was soaring high, about 13,500 feet high to be exact in AZ.
60 seconds of free-fall and then pulled the shoot to get the biggest wedgie of my life!!
Do you remember what you were doing 16 years ago?


Lori said...

WOW!!! I just gotta are more ballsy than I will ever be!! Dang...16 years ago I was living in Nowhere Idaho gestating my much anticipated little girl.

the mom~ said...

Ethan said, Her belly must have dropped...and I was thinking she may have even pooped a little...LOL
NO WAY you'd see me do that!
6 years ago...I was 17 one of the BEST years of my life...

Heather said...

I would LOVE to do that...just don't know that I could actually go through with it without vomitting, peeing myself or both. EEEEEKKK... Hmmm 16 years ago was 1994. Yeah, that year pretty much SUCKED. Well not all of it. This part of the year was probably okay. ;) I love big events that you can look back on and know exactly what you were doing years later.