if it aint got that SWING....
We seriously had a fabulous time last Saturday (July 30th) at Lake Ida with the Matherns' and Hansens' jumping off a platform and swinging into the water. Here is Kippy in my version of a stop-action photo sequence.

And it wasn't just the kids who were swinging. Steve also took several trips into the water.

Our Godchild, Brac, was an expert on the rope swing. Just look at his form!

I absolutely couldn't miss out on the fun either.
You Tarzan, me JANE!!!
I love this sequence of Denise on the rope swing because it looks like she is running across the water. Plus her form is spot on!

There were 6 adults and 6 kids and every single one of us took at least one turn swinging. Some landing better than others (right Tracy?), but hey - it was great fun to act like a kid again!
Awesome photos Nae! Looks like an amazing day! Especially the pics of Brad Bracket.....hahahaha....I love you!
Oh My Goodness... I do have issues! It may have something to do with it being my third cup of coffee at Cafe116 when I did this post.
I loved this post!! Very...energetic!! I love the pics of you. Look at those muscles! You go girl!!
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