We woke up to this forecast... "A WINTER STORM WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW AND BLOWING SNOW MEANS SEVERE WINTER WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE EXPECTED OR OCCURRING." which led to school being canceled. To top it off, Kippy had gotten sick last night, so she wasn't going to be able to go to school anyway. It ended up being a combination sick day and snow day for the girls. I braced myself for a long and painful work day mixed with two arguing kids. However... I was wrong. It turned out to be a wonderful LPS day!

So, what is an LPS day? It is a day where the girls created a
Littlest Pet Shop town in the basement and filled their day with imagination type play.

After a few hours of work I was wondering, where is the arguing and tattling that I normally hear? I peaked out of my office and caught them laughing and giggling together. They were having such a great time I had to investigate further.

When I asked them about what they were doing, they proudly showed me the different areas in their town. I had no idea that they had so many LPS items! There was a veterinary hospital, stores, hotel, spa, an ocean and a mountain villa and so much more.

Abby showed me her two favorite pets. I think they are both dogs, but I can't be sure.

Kippy's two favorite pets are a dachshund dog and a monkey. The LPS animals are kind of funny looking, but hey - if they keep the kids as entertained as they were today... THEN.I.LOVE.THEM!! It sure was a great LPS day!

They kinda resemble Bratz! LOL
Fun day for yur girls!
I love those kinds of days. For us it's lego towns, playmobil zoo or barbies. And when they can pull off hours of imaginative play without arguing or tattling, it's worth the headache that all those little peices cause me! We had a fabulous snow day as well. Yay!!!
I am so glad you had a good day. I love LPS. They have the cutest animals. They are too new for my daughter to have had them but my niece thinks they're fabulous.
Emma would love to come over and play with the LPS!! She has a couple, but prefers to play with Barbies and Polly Pockets!! I love the quiet and imaginative play she does; the boys don't quite get that quiet!
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