Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I have always known the truth in the saying, "the more you give, the more you receive", but I still am surprised at the depth of this truth. This past weekend is a classic example.  In giving the gift of a Healing Yoga Retreat (conducted by my beautiful friend, Wendy Billie), to my Heather for her 40th birthday, I was enriched, inspired, energized, uplifted, healed, and motivated. I was able to quiet my mind and listen to the truth within myself and the truth surrounding me.  Here is what I know:  I am a believer in God and His only Son, Jesus Christ.  He surrounds me with the gift of Love.  When I quiet my mind and listen with my heart, I hear that Love; I feel that Love; I become that Love. When I struggle with doubt and feeling worthy of the Love, it closes me off from truly receiving what He intends. I am a work-in-progress. I am evolving. I strive to keep my heart open to accept Love. 2012 is and continues to be a time of ENRICHment.


Lori said...

Beautiful post. That retreat was awesome. It gave us some great tools to use to better ourselves and in turn help others. I loved spending it with you and the girls :) What a great opportunity!!

the mom~ said...

Beautiful picture, love the way it turned out. And such a beautiful day with inspiring ladies!