I am going to be focusing on ENRICH-ing my life by ENRICH-ing the lives of those around me. Having a one word mantra for the year has been effective way for me to make improvements in my life. This will be the third year in a row and I have found that "action" orientated words work the best for me.
- 2010 was CLEAN
- 2011 was POWER
- 2012 is ENRICH
en·rich [en-rich]
to supply with riches, wealth, abundant or valuable possessions, etc.: Commerce enriches a nation.
to supply with abundance of anything desirable: to enrich the mind with knowledge.
to add greater value or significance to: Art enriches life.
to adorn or decorate: a picture frame enriched with gold.
to make finer in quality, as by supplying desirable elements or ingredients: to enrich soil.