Throughout her Elementary school career, Abby has gotten into trouble for talking too much. Sometimes it was due to talking without raising her hand or talking before being called on or talking during quiet time. More than once, Abby had to go to the principal's office to discuss her problem of talking too much. Every parent/teacher conference, this characteristic of Abby's has been mentioned.
But on Saturday, Abby's ability to talk was very positive. She was one of two sixth graders representing Our Lady of Victory school at St Mary's Speech Festival in Morris, MN.

Abby's speech was a memorized recitation of the book "Gigi, God's Little Princess" by Sheila Walsh. Abby received a superior rating and did a fabulous job!

Her Grandparents were able to watch the competition.

We were all so proud of her and of all the OLV kids.
Great job Abby!!! :)
Way to amplify your strengths, Abby! Congrats and good job.
Yay Abby! I told you years ago that her excessive talking would be a positive thing some day. I love it when I am right. ;)
Way to go Abby!!!!
Great job Abby! It's wonderful when they use their powers for the good!
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