Angelique celebrated her First Communion on Sunday, April 26. Angelique had a successful interview with Father Leroy where he verified that she did understand the significance of receiving the body and blood of Jesus. We were proud of the work she had done preparing for this sacrament.

I hoped Angelique would be able to wear Abby's First Communion dress my mom had made; however, when I had her try it on in December, it was way too short and too tight across the shoulders. I moved on to plan B... ask my sister-in-law, Anna, if Angelique could borrow Makenzie's dress. Plan B didn't work-out because Anna had already borrowed Makenzie's dress to someone else; however, Anna worked out plan C for us and we borrowed her neice's (Brooke Thompson) dress instead. So for the ceremony, Angelique's veil was the one I had made for Abby; the dress was from Brooke in Casper, WY; the shoes were from her cousin Makenzie.
We planned an open house for Sunday after church. Thankfully, my parents and my brother Russ' family came for the weekend and helped us get prepared. The weather was forecast to be cold and rainy (and it was), so that meant not only getting the house ready for guests, but we had to get the garage ready. Steve & Russ did a great job getting the garage set up and heated as well. My Mom helped tremendously with all the food preparation. It is easier planning an event with so many willing helpers!

Things were going very smoothly Sunday morning, except for estimating how long it would take me to curl Angelique's hair. It was nice for Angelique and I to have some one-on-one time before the ceremony. You guessed it, I got a teeny, tiny-bit emotional. Kippy said, "Mom, you look like you are about to cry." I answered in my choked up voice, "That is because I am!" Angelique replied matter-of-fact-ly, "Oh, I know why. It is because you're sad that I am growing up too fast." My heart squeezed so tight... thank goodness the Kleenex were close.

We got Angelique to church on time, however, we were cutting it down to the last minute and that meant Steve & I had to set in the last pew of the parent section opposite from Angelique. I couldn't even see her throughout the church service! Steve could see her and I would periodically ask him, "Does she still have her veil on?" The good thing about not being able to see her is that I didn't cry.

but my baby is definitely growing up... sigh... gulp... sniff

The grandparents...

The godparents, Russ & Kristy...

Uncle Randy and Aunt Anna...

Proud dad and mom...

Cousins... Kaleb, Logan, Nixin, Abby and Noah.
It turns out that I didn't take pictures at the open house because apparently, I am not able to be a hostess and a photographer. Who knew? I am disappointed that I didn't capture some pics of family and friends. I think it also had something to do with the fact that Angelique had her dress and veil off within 60 seconds of getting home and was back to being our tom-boy. A huge thank you to everyone for making Angelique's day special. She said, "I feel like it is my birthday!"
What a great day for your family. It was fun to meet your family. I just love your parents. What cool people. No wonder you are so fabulous. You had an awesome start!
We really enjoyed being able to share the day with her and you as well. :)
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