I played with this circa 1935 Smith & Corona typewriter when I was a kid. I recently asked my parents if I could have it and it has been so much fun! I have it setting on a small table by the front door and the kids have been typing little messages on it for the past several weeks. I think this is what Facebook may have looked like 70+ years ago!

I love hearing the 'peck, peck' sound of the manual typewriter and the 'ding' of the bell warning that you have almost reached your margin. My only rule to the kids was that no negative messages can be typed on it.

One of the first things that Abby noticed was that there is no exclamation point key. Of course, with Abby, she likes to add a lot of emotion and enthusiasm to the statements she types.

Here are some snippets of things typed in the past few weeks...
"I have no homework. And I had a good day."
"Gradma and granpa are here."
"sorryif can't, spell every thing. Love angelique"
"My brithday is on the 28th. Abby and I and other peopple are fixing a house, today."
"Kippy finished her homework. That's all for now. Love the Lindgren girls"
"I just changed the paper. love Abby."
"This thing is cool."
"Happy birthday Angelique. I like cheese. Love Abby"
"I like chocalate. Love AbbyL"
"Today I have homework."
"It;s cold outside. and Brette came today."
I will be looking for my snail mail anyday now.... :-)
that is awesome, I loved hearing about it in the cities. I want one now!
I love these photos and I love your typewriter. Very cool.
The coolest memory maker ever!! I love stuff like that.
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