Saturday, October 23rd, was a perfect mix of
something-for-everyone day. Kathy and I were the early birds on Saturday morning and took that opportunity to go for an enjoyable 4 mile jaunt in the cool 35 degree mountain air. Kathy kept me challenged because we talked the entire time we were running and I think the higher altitude added to me being a heavy-breather the whole way. My dream would be to have Kathy as my running partner EVERY day, but I'll take whatever time I can get. In addition to the company, another beautiful thing about being in Greeley this time of year is their trees were in full Fall color, while back in Fergus, we only had naked, bare trees. I got to extend my most favorite season on this vacation - lucky me!
By the time we got back, our hubbies were awake, while the kids were still snoozing. The four of us headed out to have breakfast at Starbucks. Can you say Pumpkin Spice Latte? Oh, my, what a perfect treat, plus you have to remember, there isn't a Starbucks within 50 miles of Fergus {GASP}! We returned from our caffeine-high just in time for Kathy to whip up a big breakfast for the kids.

We squeezed in some card-playing-time before lunch by playing Golf. Drake opted out, but I think after hearing the 7 of us laughing and carrying on, he secretly wished he would have played with us. Right, Drake?

I had to get a few pics in of these 4 fantastic kids together. They're all growing up WAY too fast
{sniff, sniff}.
They are wonderful friends and for that, I am so grateful. The relationship these 4 have is truly a major reason we chose to spend our MEA weekend with the Bytnar Family.

After lunch, it was guys-only time. They loaded up in Stella, to take a drive up into the mountains to enjoy the scenery, but mostly to rev-up Stella through the hairpin switchbacks. Can you say testosterone? Vroom-vroom...

While the guys were doing their thing, we were getting in some quality girl-time in Loveland.

We kept the girls in suspense on the destination until we got to the movie theater, where we went to the movie
Secretariat. We were nearly late, but the bonus was that we didn't have to sit through any boring previews. We had perfect seats for a heartwarming and wonderful movie. Seriously, my high for the day was being in that moment, sitting right where I was in the theater at Loveland. It wouldn't have mattered if the movie totally tanked (which it didn't). I turned and looked to my left and watched Abby, Darian & Kippy thoroughly engrossed in the movie and then turned to my right to see my Kathy. There I was sitting right beside my best friend, who I treasure so much. Talk about a blessing.
We did a little shopping after the movie... nothing like a little retail therapy to end a perfectly wonderful girls-only afternoon!
We switched from a girls-only and guys-only afternoon, to
double-date night. The kids got to enjoy pizza, movies and hot-tub time at home, while the adults fancied up for an evening out.

In hindsight, I feel like we failed at taking pictures because !SNAP! - we looked good. The issue was cocktail hour at the Bytnar Tavern went a little too long and we had to rush like crazy in the end to get to our dinner reservation. I really wish I would have taken my camera along with that night just to document the moment. However, the important thing was we were there together and I did get this one pic of Kathy & I dressed up, so it is all good.
I wanted to stay up all night just to make our time together last longer, but the mean-old-sleep-monster put an end to that bright idea. We got up at the butt-crack of dawn and were on the road back to Fergus by 5:00 AM on Sunday.

The kids quickly settled back to sleep, while Steve & I had a chance to reflect on our time in Greeley.

I always have such a very hard time with goodbyes, but Kathy knows this. My girls know this and of course Steve knows it too. The tears seem to just flow and flow and have a life of their own. I am grateful for the time we do have together, really I am. I just get so emotional about when that time ends. I am so very appreciative for Steve driving us over 1700 in those 4 days. It was a wonderful vacation for sure with a lifetime of memories packed into it.
My Kathy...she is special to me, but the thing is she is special to Abby, Angelique and Steve, too. So I always call her
MYKathy... just so my family knows I got special dibs on her.
I'm already mentally planning our next get-together in 2011, when we jointly celebrate our 20th anniversary with the Landmarks.
Thank you Bytnar family and a special thank you to Kathy, the events planner. IT WAS A 10!!
What a wonderful vacation! I am grateful that you have Kathy too! Your pictures are great and I want to know if you got to go for a ride in Stella?
Good byes are hard for me too. I prefer See-ya-laters. Much less painful. Thank heaven for good friends. They are our angels on earth!
i HATE good-byes!!!
I cry at the airport when planes leave and no one was on there I knew...because somewhere in that airport someone had to say good-bye. I can't help it! So good-byes for myself are much harder!!!
I am glad you had a fabulous trip with YOURKathy!
These messages have been the best gift you could ever give to me. I have loved reading the stories through your point of view. I wish there was a way for me to buy a book of your blogs that included the times we were together. These stories have truly touched my heart. You are way to kind with what you say about me. I am blessed to have such a wonderful friend in my life. Truly.....
Thank you for a wonderful recap of our special weekend together.
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