About 8 months ago, back when I was training for the Fargo Half Marathon, my mom told me about my dad being worried that I would get hurt running on the busy streets and highways. I was logging some fairly consistent and long runs back then {not so much now} and it got me thinking about what would happen if I did get hit while out running. Around the same time, I read a blog from a runner in the Twin Cities, who had a custom ID bracelet.

I looked into it and decided that road{Kill} identification would be a good thing... so I ordered it through
RoadID.com. I got to pick the color and vital information... my name, birth year {so the coroner would know how old I was}, who to call, blah, blah, blah. The best part tho' was that I could include a little motivational message to myself.

I chose "Run It Out!", which is a little mantra I like to chant {in my head} when the going gets tough. I try to remember to wear the bracelet when I am out running and I guess I manage to do it about 80% of the time. I figure I will never win against getting hit by a car, etc... so that's why I call it my roadKill id, but I guess if I have heat exhaustion or something, perhaps someone would find it useful and could call any of the phone numbers listed on it. Ya never know!
So on to the *GIVEAWAY*... I have a $15.00 gift certificate good for any purchase from RoadID, which I will give away on Sunday, October 17th. If you are interested, just leave a comment on this blog and let me know what motivational message you would include on your bracelet. I'll do a random drawing from the entries and mail out the certificate to the winner. This is my first giveaway and I am SO excited!!
**Post script** There are lots of options for bracelets from RoadID, which have different prices. The one I chose, was $19.99, plus $1.49 shipping and handling.
What a cool bracelet....multi-function! I LOVE IT! I do love your mantra as well. I think mine would say "If you're going through Hell...keep going!" That has got me through many a tight spot.
I trick myself with "Just 5 more minutes!" (repeat as necessary) Yes, I'm running now! 9 weeks into a training program. And I don't like it much. Still waiting for that love of running to kick in. Hasn't happened yet.
I'm glad you added you modified the product brand name. Much more interesting your way.
I love the new spelling of my name. :) I think I would choose the quote "you only fail if you quit".
I noticed you had this on yesterday but wasn't aware of the significance of it! Your dad doesn't like the reason for it but I think it's a symbol of the strong woman you are!
Have a great birthday!
"Slow and Steady!" is my mantra for my long runs, with much emphasis on the slow. lol!
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