1. Who is this masked individual?

2. Where are Abby and Nixin headed to?

3. What store did Kippy get her new 24" bike from?

4. Where is this picture of Steve taken at & what is up with the hat?

5. What character did Abby play in the Night of the Wax Museum production put on by the 7th & 8th graders?

Check your answers below:
1. Angelique (a.k.a. Kippy) Kippy was one of the girl scout detectives working to solve the crime of Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar at the lock-in held in March. After examining all the clues including a foot print and bite marks, it was discovered that Jan, one of the leaders, had stolen the cookie from the cookie jar.

2. Mayville, ND. On March 27th, Nixin and Abby were traveling buddies in Kristy's vehicle, while Noah & Kippy were my companions in a 4 vehicle caravan from Esko to Mayville. Russ drove the H-haul and Steve drove Russ' truck/trailer. We were excited to help Russ, Kristy, Nixin and Noah move back to God's country (North Dakota, of course). Lovin' the fact that they are less than 2 hours from Fergus Falls!

4. Don Pablos, Fergus Falls. In a Lindgren family tradition, Steve celebrated his 41st birthday with his favorite girls and was serenaded with Happy Birthday in Spanish while wearing a sombrero. Steve shared his big ol' bowl of birthday fried ice cream with us... mmmmm!

5. Mary Read. The play was very funny and a good experience for Abby, even though they only got to perform it once.

How did you do on the quiz?
Hey, I got 4 out of 5...not too bad! What a fun way to catch up...I love it!
Well, I got over half of them right!! How'd everyone else do??
I got 4 out of 6 and I think I will count my answer of "A whole stinkin' lot" as a correct answer to the last question which puts me at 5 of 6 right!! You've caught us up well. Thanks!!!
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