"We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The brutal reality of braces
Problems began less than 24 hours after Kippy had her braces put on. Her tongue began to get sore from rubbing on the bracket across the roof of her mouth. She kept picking at it and accidentally removed the whole piece which was cemented in. Within 48 hours, she picked off one of the front ties causing the wire to poke out directly into her lip, so Steve had to remove the entire front wire, which was across her 4 front teeth. By day 2, Kippy only had 4 brackets on her front teeth... nothing else. By day 5, before we could get her back into the Orthodontist to get everything fixed, she had knocked off a bracket from her front tooth. Exactly one week after getting her braces, Kippy was back in to have them completely done again. We are hoping this rough start is not predictive of how things will continue, but with this kid, anything is possible.
WOW!! Blue jeans AND braces. That is one tough kid!! LOL Good luck...
Man, she is HARD on herself! :)
Good thing she is so darn cute!
Oh my gosh...she picked off her braces...only Kip's
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